Say, "Ha!"


Today's "Well" page in the New York Times includes an article presenting the benefits of breath. The author, Lesley Alderman offers evidence that, "Controlled breathing, an ancient practice, can reduce stress and soothe your body."

We are invited to: "Breathe. Exhale. Repeat."   Click HERE to go to the article. Read about studies in the works.  Celebrate scientific study that supports the healing, soothing powers of breath. 

I always say. "Don't forget to breathe."  In my classes, I say this with regularity. I know that often, even in the gentlest physical exertion, the breath tends to be held. 

"Breath is the most important thing." As we practice yoga, this is something else I say with predictable regularity. My understanding of the long history of yoga has included this value since the time of Buddha. 

Please, breathe.

Oregon Coast. Wind. July 2016 

Oregon Coast. Wind. July 2016